Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dental Rip-Off: Obama Where's Your HealthCare -- Save Those Victims ... Now!

Expose’ 3 of 3: Dental Rip-Off: Karl Marx Scores A Point
Written by Ed Sumcad
by Ed Sumcad

Dental rip-off is a form of cancer nobody wants to cure.
It is the shock of the time for this country’s ailing
healthcare system.

Dental rip-off concludes this expose’ of the country’s greed-ridden healthcare system. It is a form of cancer that nobody either does not have the willingness to know or the courage to cure [Expose’ 1 and 2. Part 2 has a Prologue where the importance and purpose of this satirical essay are written down for the benefit of the readers.]

Bannered news:: Cancer is an epidemic so pervasive it had surpassed heart disease as the number one killer of Americans under age 85. [1] Currently on record, “98.4 percent of the population is under the age of 85.”

But this is arguably old news. The real shocker of the time about cancer let alone our sick healthcare system is this lethal form of cancer called dental rip-off. The bug that causes it is greed.

This cancer is incurable for the simplest of all reasons that nobody in the healthcare industry or in government wants to treat this multi-billion-dollar profit-making malady.

When one has a bleeding periodontal problem, the patient does not only have a bleeding gum but also a bleeding pocket.

Notice carefully … dental insurance plans in this country say you are covered. What that means is that you are covered to pay your own bills [see the ADA Code “NTCV” opposite the rip-off bills the patient is sentenced to pay].

In the “dental benefits” manual, the public is warned that “American Dental Associations [ADA] codes not listed in this document are not covered benefits.” This gives dental clinics an absolute power to charge helpless patients scandalous sky-is-the-limit fees based on their own codes under the category “not listed” for insurance coverage.

Clever? No … just profit-crazed conjurer in actual practice of their nefarious trade! Patients have just been had. The dangled “dental benefits” is a misnomer, in reality an advertised punishment meant to look like an attractive carrot. It is not “dental benefits” but “dental cheats”!

According to medical studies, the bleeding gum is caused by “immune cells” [2] causing bone loss in periodontal tissues. The accompanying pocket bleeding is caused by human cells immune to public scrutiny in their practice of pick pocketing.

They also pull your legs, not just your teeth, in one of the most excruciating rip-offs a human being could possibly endure.

In hard numbers, there are 80 million Americans suffering this dental disease all over the country. Researchers at The Forsyth Institute, issued an alarm [Dr. Toshihisa Kawai, D.D.S., Ph.D. at

Health insurance, notably HMO [a glutton that gobbles up monthly Medicare benefits], dental insurance and practicing service providers, are in cahoots robbing the public blind.

Go to the dental clinic to get a treatment, and they swoop down on you like winged predators from the sky and bleed you dry.

In Google, Rip-Off Report floods the Internet with complaints coming from all parts of the country. You will be shocked to find out if you engage them at this point of reference --[]

It is more cruel when you happen to be in the dental clinic with a severe toothache. You cannot drive vultures away by punching them in the nose when the insuperable pain of an abscessed tooth numbs your limbs and paralyzes your will to protest much more mentally and physically resist the dishonesty, shiftiness and crookedness of a dip-pocket wringer.

With a swollen mouth, you can even hardly say no, or cry out loud enough to be heard with an “oh, God help me” screech, after they verbalized the bill that you are going to pay. In timing, this usually occurs right after they sit you down on the dental electric chair. It is an electric chair because that’s where they electrify first and then electrocute patients with a huge dental bill to pay.

If you are this unlucky guy seated on that electric chair, you realize soon enough that you are a victim of a hold up, reminiscent of what exactly those dirty-looking horse-riding varmints of the Old Wild West armed with six shooters do to rail and coach travelers.

The truth is, inside the dental clinic, you are at their profiteering environment, in their own element, in their own moment of money-making. As a victimized patient, you have no control whatsoever, like a fly caught in a spider web ready to be devoured alive, especially when you just have but one thing in mind and you don’t care about anything else anymore … just to get that god dam killing tooth out of your swollen jaw.

Some patients are more enduring of pain and more venturesome with their pride and decide to fight a dental rip-off. They have to decide whether to escape from the clinic with an abscessed tooth and catch an infection and pay the whole nasty experience with their life, or just pay the killing dental bill out of their wallet. Sometimes wise value-counseling could save a patient from this tragedy. To be on guard is worth more than just a pound of cure.

I would like to share with you the wisdom my old man bequeathed to me the day I left the small hometown for the big city. There are only three people close to you who could hold a few seconds of your life in their hand and put you completely under their mercy, in which case you are totally helpless and could do nothing about it. So be nice to them, my old man warned. These people are your food server who could spit on your food they served, your barber who holds a razor close to your throat, and your dentist who could pull a nerve and inflict such pain that you wish you are better off dead.

Down the years I came to know what my old man really meant when he warned me of dental pain that I should guard myself against: yes, I realized, it was that hurting toothache and periodontal problem that troubled most Americans out of personal neglect of their health, and no I didn’t realize until lately, that my old man was also referring to this severe pain in the wallet that most if not all of us are now suffering due to the rising cost of healthcare that kills rather than cure the medically afflicted.

Some of us can survive a killing toothache, the wallet pain many of us might not outlive, because of justifiable rage that causes HBP and eventually stroke or cardiac arrest.

Some of us might even live to a hundred years without seeing a dentist. Centenarians of the Hmong tribes in the remote mountains of the Golden Triangle of Laos, Thailand and Vietnam fight tooth decay by chewing a specially homegrown tobacco, conquer pain by smoking an arm-long weed pipe, and just be their own doctor and dentist.

Rising blood pressure due to heartaches over dental robberies occurring everyday is a registered killer. It is heartache caused by toothaches that kills a lot of Americans, more so when HBP rises in tandem with the skyrocketing prices of oil, prescription drugs, health insurance and medical services.

And here’s more … it is not really bleeding gums but bleeding hearts that caused a great number of Americans to dial 911 for quick appointment with emergency doctors in the ICU. Records show that in this country, millions die of financial hemorrhage. Usually, in bankruptcy, a gun in the temple squares it all.

The dental gang that robs the public blind has no conscience. Probably that’s because the way it is done is very disarming.

For example, when you visit a dental clinic, the desk girl in the counter is normally young, pretty and gracious. She greets you with a disarming smile. That’s because you are being prepared for the slaughter.

The dentist appears cool and coy when asked how much he/she is charging you for his dental service. You normally hear this: I am sorry. I wish I know so that I could tell you. I would even give you a discount if the cost worries you, if I only know how much the clinic is charging per patient for what I do here, but I don’t.
And the conversation normally ends with a rude statement: I just work here.

At this point of your rising wonderment, you get a sympathy dental look and a pat in the back for you to stay calm … no, I did not say a stab in the back [that’s for you to find out].

What you just heard from the dentist, of course, is all baloney! Don’t fall for this innocent crap, much more jump into their trap. Before the kill, they refer you first to several specialists because your case is allegedly not just for the ordinary dentist to handle – just to be sure, you are told, and for your own safety! Each of these attending specialists charges you separately with sky-rocketing fees.

They operate as a group! They do this as an SOP [standard operating procedure], especially to patients whose dental insurance does not cover referral to specialists where billing sky is the limit.

While in the dental clinic, the voices of comfort you hear could be that of a ghoul that your wallet attracts, or that of a serial killer as far as financial murder is about to take place, right before the throat is cut horizontally or brutally fang-punctured, or before the ax is dropped on the jugular vein of your bank account. Financial vampires normally aim for the jugular vein, suck the blood out of your billfold and, if you are paying monthly, the life of your savings slowly ebbs away. That’s how health insurance which includes those so-called “dental plans”, grows fat and fatter everyday, 365 days a year this year, and in the next, and in all the years thereafter. This explains why the industry is larger than that fabled ogre in the story of Jack and the Bean-Stalk. You are Jack that the Giant cut down to pieces, not the bean-stalk.

Healthcare rip-off was $60.0 billion in 2004 according to an astonishing study, actually based on the confession of conscience-stricken Aaron Greenvald [2], a hardworking doctor who took part in healthcare’s legalized “swindle”. The figure had more than doubled to outstanding proportion, since the “swindle” was recorded four years ago.

What is alarming about this dental “swindle” is that, teeth clinics lower their cost by rendering poor quality service to the consumers, to maximize profit. If scams are bad to your health, this one is beastly, and the taking is animalistic.

It is a crime to humanity to encourage and promote this craze modus operandi for quick profit, risking the lives of patients for financial reward. This is the notorious case of Western Dental of California with some 115 dental centers serving some 350,000 Californians. [3]

For repeated abuses of this nature, WDC received a stiff fine of 3 million dollars, the Department of Corporation reported. The culprit was temporarily derailed, paid the fine, and presto [!] is now back on the road. It is that simple.

Corporate predators have accumulated enough profits that they could pay any amount of fines anytime even if willful violations are repeated and paying fines continues till hell freezes over. The money they pay does not come from their account but from the pockets of the public they duped and skinned alive.

Culprits of greed the likes of WDC, can go bust or hang themselves in a nearby tree for all we care. But the onus of our disgusting concern is simply this: For as long as greed can buy out punishment for dental rip-offs, our sick healthcare industry is a permanent host of this type of cancer in the system.

Karl and the country’s radical Left would rather abolish greed for profit by making healthcare the sole responsibility ofgovernment, giving it all free to the people. After all, the struggling class has already paid for it from the fruits of their hard labor, so the Left correctly claims. However, the common denominator to make this possible is more public funding via heavier taxes, which to me in the long haul is rather a higher cost for buying greed out of the system the other way around.

What greed in Capitalism am I talking about? I will talk economics to answer this question. It is an expectation of more than you as an investor, by economic law, is entitled to; it is Adam Smith’s driving free market force that becomes so all-consuming that all rational analysis is left at the back door for happy time to steal it away from you while you exit the front door in a state of abundance and euphoria.

But my objection to Karl Marx’s opposition to Capitalism is that capitalism is mistaken as greed itself. It is not. Capitalism working through free market access is the most efficient tool for wealth creation ever known to man. Radical socialists and Leftist liberals are terribly wrong as usual in their faulty calculus about how man lives in the real world.

I am writing about the theory of compassionate Capitalism in the draft of my book where wealth is channeled not solely to the benefit of the privileged few but to the betterment of society’s dispossessed, as well as to the disadvantaged in life.

The only problem with Capitalism is that it hosts parasites with insatiable craving for wealth.

For example, in the capitalist world, parasites like those in the insurance industry generate a higher cost of Capitalism in terms of loss of life and human suffering. Think of the over-charging dental clinic in your community and its kind all over the country. Think of rich conglomerates that wallow in wealth that because of greed are still running after the pockets of wage earners who work for them as in the case of the Safeway employees that staged a nationwide strike when their chain of rich corporate employers tried to deprive them and their families of health insurance coverage.

Notice carefully that people are dying in this land of abundance, affluence and prosperity because healthcare is unaffordable [?], is a very weird phenomenon if not a high crime abated by public apathy. It is an ugly result of the industry’s profit-propelled abuses of helpless consumers combined with the government’s intentional neglect.

This situational problem is a total disgrace to mankind, more so when this country is ironically known to the world as the most compassionate donor of billions of dollars annually to the oppressed, the poor and the needy everywhere, not just being admired and emulated as the mightiest and the wealthiest nation on the planet!

To human beings the world over who love and worship God, this aberration of mind-boggling proportion is so frightening a wrong to contemplate, so outrageously maddening to even think about it -- absolutely contemptible, unforgivable, despicable and condemnable.

And yet, consider the weakness and vulnerability of our free enterprise society that succumbs to greed. While we kick the bucket in protest of this endemic failure of the system, all the cordial and polite learned can say is that the tragedy is so abhorrently regrettable but at the same time disgustingly understandable!

Attacking all the pretenses of Capitalism, whether facts or fiction does not matter, Karl Marx scores a damning point that even I, the writer of this painful expose’, hate to admit. #

© Copyright Edwin A. Sumcad. Access July 11, 2008.

[This ends this 3-part expose’. Readers may comment or react accordingly.]

The writer is an award-winning journalist. You may e-mail your comment at This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Most Despised GOP Presidential Aspirant Used By Haters Of America To Air Chips On the Shoulder

By Edwin A. Sumcad
Appeared in American Chronicle
June 30, 2007

It is hard to argue against medical findings that once hatred is puked out of the system, it relieves a chronic disorder. This disorder is some kind of anxiety or OCD [obsessive-compulsive disorder]. Obsession may take the form of “repetitive ideas, thoughts and impulses [that] may focus on violence …” [1] Imagined threats make hostile aggression compulsive.

There are some readers who reacted to my article using that means of relief. The published article The Politics Of Solitude And The Economics Of The Cave In The Age Of Starwars [11] appeared in the American Chronicle June 27, 2007. It drew an OCD release from incorrigible haters of America and from congenital bangers of whatever America represents who found a common interest with Ron Paul, GOP presidential aspirant whose politics of isolation and economics of the cave were exhaustively exposed in the said editorial report.

The presidential wannabe referred to is considered an oddball because he is arguing for and in fact defending the 9/11 terrorist attack, by finding a plethora of faults in our foreign policy, and in the way we handle the war on terror here in the home front and in the Middle East which he believed justified the terrorists’ attacks killing thousands of innocent Americans.

The oddity of this runner for Republican presidential nomination is that he exudes with an overabundance of rhetorical venoms that sting and daze his opponents in public debate, and spits his philosophical toxins to knock out his prey in public, i.e. “cockroaches” in Washington, D.C., or maybe the greedy, light-fingered “globalist United Nations”, if not the U.S. policy makers in government; he accuses, convicts and hangs the government by the neck out of a litany of slipups and blunders real or imagined of which he is at the same time the accuser, the judge and the executioner.

Paul’s rhetorical arguments in the campaign trail had caught up with haters of America. In one of his follower’s published articles, the government is referred to as a fat “pig” that dipped into the pocket of wage earners in a fiscal robbery called “taxation”. Because of his aberration towards the Federal Government’s revenue-making role in the funding of public expenditures allegedly at the expense of the American people being robbed of their hard-earned income, Republican presidential tax caucuses and forums had started to exclude him and his mouthpieces from their group; in my honest observation and objective assessment of what’s happening, it’s like Republicans are now avoiding him and his handful of noisy supporters the way social lepers in the Bible were shunned and avoided. With haters of America behind them, they are very toxic to American voters who abhor them; without any iota of doubt Paul and his small but hyped yet unacceptable supporters would drag the Republican standard bearer down with him in defeat in the coming 2008 November election.

At this writing, a recent news release made an important announcement that The Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance are going to host a presidential candidates forum this coming Saturday, June 30, 2007. Ron Paul was not invited. [2]

The public was not surprise at all by this deliberate omission. In fact the American public was if my pulse reading is correct, even expecting that Paul would drop out of the race sooner than later, and spare disquieted Americans the agony of his relentless attacks on government policies and of his aggravated abuse of the government that emboldens terrorists to launch an attack. First it weakens the Republican Party with the national election just lurking around the corner. Second, terrorists are assured with the feeling that once they attack, Congressman Ron Paul who is aspiring to become President of the United States will be there to blame the government and the American foreign policy makers for the carnage.

It is an aggravated abuse of the government because Paul works for the government and paid the salary of a congressman plus all of the emoluments he receives appurtenant thereto, all paid for out of the tax money that the government had raised which he attacked. The image he projects to angry Americans as an “oddball” that has risen from the catacomb of Hell is never held in doubt.

His exclusion from the Iowa presidential forum was to the American pubic, poetic justice. For at the same time it really explains among others why Paul is the most despised GOP presidential aspirant in the beltway. Since he hits the government hard short of calling it stupid in provoking the terrorists’ 911 attacks, haters of America only use him and his anti-government hang up, in ventilating their anger towards America to relieve their chronic anxiety or OCD as stated in the early part of this editorial insight.

If we examine the reactions of pro-Paul haters of America to the published article I have mentioned, we find no brain, only emotional kicks -- just this emotional release described.

To illustrate citing an example: It is an established premise in the article that nations looked up to the United States as the leader of the world, and no longer when out of his politics of isolation and solitude Paul will return life back to the cave when he is President. That U.S. world leadership is not questioned needs no proof. It is of global knowledge. Yet reacting to the article, haters of America scoffed at it and attacked it hammer and tong calling it “a neo-con rah-rah garbage”!! To them this is not real, much more understandable …!

Almost feel the heat of emotional binge the way it was expressed or thrown up?

One reaction was out of this world “esoteric”. There was a repetitive compulsive objection to having a Federal Reserve. This very daring guy [I admire his tenacity to venture into an area of discipline where others maybe too embarrassed to tread] labored to convince me that he was qualified to argue the macroeconomic role of the central bank [the Fed in U.S.] in development economics. I was mortified. I knew that little knowledge they say is dangerous. He thought that the only function of Fed is to rob people of their money by charging interest…! He asked where is the “reserve”, and answered it himself that it was all stolen. It takes hillbillies a spur of the moment to think that they had become Keynesian experts in macroeconomics overnight while it takes not less than six years for schooled economists to master the trade. If at all, he has his OCD relief. However,ignorance saturated the air and it was suffocating.

“Ron Paul wants us to leave Iraq because we have no business being there… there is no purpose …” said another e-mailing hater.

Is there any brain here anyone can see? The thoughts expressed in those lines are in biology, abiotic. The worth of our business in Iraq is already reaching a hundred billion dollars if not today, tomorrow, and some 4,000 dead American soldiers, and still counting. Think about what they know and how they look at the war in Iraq and understand what kind of people we are dealing with here.

Another fan of Paul thought Paul was the smartest candidate because unlike the other candidates, to defeat the enemy, he wants to study and know first the enemy. No, talking of who is smart and who is not, he is not even a shadow of his nemesis Rudy Giuliani. A scatterbrain does not compare to Giuliani who is surging ahead in the polls without looking back. Sorry to disappoint a rabid fan.

After Paul knew that the enemy who attacked us in 9/11 was Al Qaeda, then what? What did Paul do to defeat the enemy since he knew who it is? It is now six years since we were attacked … since Paul knew who Osama bin Laden is, up to now he still remains a loquacious windtalker and no action, just yakking-yakking, boasting about his mouth formula, re, how to defeat the enemy. Are we to believe that he is competing against President Bush for public lynching in this area?

Empty rhetoric makes the American public hates this presidential pretender even more. He is a talker of strange words with a philosophical obsession as strange as his politics of isolation and solitude for Americans, and for the country, his bizarre economics of the cave; he was in fact picturing the best life for Americans in the United States in the age of Starwars, as one comparable to that of the first Homo Erectus with a club.

Another confused hater apologized for and in Paul’s behalf, trying very hard to make me understand that his extraterrestrial idol does not hate or blame the American people, only the American government. If you disparage this government of the people, by the people and for the people, whose nose are you punching to spite the face? If the government is not the American people, from what planet did this hater come from?

Finally, delusion of popularity has caught up with Paul’s equally obsessed followers. One wrote: “[P]opularity [Paul’s] has skyrocketed … that reality is in extreme contradiction with your article.” In this case, attention is called after the fact, viz, since in the polls Paul remains in the status of a nuisance candidate for nomination, desperation on the part of his small group of campaigners is turning to be the mother of lies.

Paul is publicly rejected and unranked that he does not even have a Chinaman’s chance to break into the nomination list of Republican presidential aspirants. Go to the Gallup Polls, June 11-14, 2007 the latest at this writing, of at

The leading frontrunners are Rudy Giuliani [by a comfortable margin], Fred Thompson, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich in that order. Paul’s name is even hardly found in the bottom of the list of nuisance presidential wannabes. This popularity-preference line-up is consistent. It hardly changes.

A handful of Paul’s converts could be conducting their own kangaroo polls, i.e. text voting in FoxNews. Said RightWinged on May 15, 2007 at 11:56 PM time of posting in the website: “Ron Paul has a bunch of nutty supporters who think they’re going to make some statement by wasting their time and money voting in this stupid thing. It’s like when the Kos Kids flood online MSNBC polls and ‘prove’ that 95% of the country wants to impeach Bush.” [3] It was not a funny joke! It was pulling the leg of the public in a shameless way.

The public cannot be fooled. “Here are 2 on-line polls that haven’t been totally hijacked by the Ron Paul kiddies … and Thevirtualvideomapblog.” DannoJyd on May 16, 2007 at 1:06 AM. [Refer to Note (3)] “The nutroots are hijacking the text poll…losers.” SouthernGent on May 15, 2007 at 11:24 PM. [Refer to Note (3)]

Angry comments in the Web indicate the possibility of public lynching. I will just pick up at random a couple or so of public abuses heaped on Paul that under the ethics of journalism may be salvaged to make them printable.

“How can you tell a Ron Paul supporter from a left wing truther? You can’t.” liberrocky on May 16, 2007 at 12:20 AM [Refer to Note (3)].

All that follows came from the same angry website: “ ‘Ding Ding’ was an appropriate sound effect for ding dong Ron (Puke) Paul.” kevcad on May 16, 2007 at 12:20 AM

“So, the hostages were our fault, too? He’s beyond stupid. He’s insane.” amerpundit on May 15, 2007 at 11:29 PM.

“Ron Paul is a nut-case. Why the hell is he running as a Republican?!? I just listened to him in Hannity and Colmes. This guy makes Ross Perot look normal.” Talon on May 15, 2007 at 11:46 PM

And here’s the scambug: Among the GOP presidential nomination contenders, Paul claims to be the only enforcer of the U.S. Constitution. His followers are duped into believing that he is. He is not – he is a defiler if not a violator of the Constitution.

As Congressman, Paul have been trying to pass a law but to no avail providing that the “United States end its participation in the corrupt UN entirely …” to use his undiplomatic language. [4]

Notice carefully what I have to say to this: Our entry into the UN is by documented special agreement under Article VI on Treaties of the U.S. Constitution. “… all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land …” [5]

It is also in Article II Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution, which specifies Agreements Under the United Nations Charter. This corresponds to Article 43 of the UN Charter under which by special agreement categorized as “treaty” -- the supreme law of the land -- the United States, being a member of the United Nations, is required to provide when called for, “armed forces, assistance, and facilities, including rights of passage, necessary for the purpose of maintaining international peace and security.” [6]

The United Nations Participation Act of December 20, 1945, implements these provisions as follows: “The President is authorized to negotiate a special agreement or agreements with the Security Council.”

Note that under this Act, our financial obligations to the UN, the sending of troops to troubled spots in the world at the call of the UN are, among others, mandated by the Constitution.

Does Paul respect this constitutional covenant with the United Nations as provided for in the Constitution? This is what he said: “The United Nations remains determined to rob from wealthy countries [especially the United States] and, after taking a big cut for itself, send what’s left to the poor countries.”

The mandate to honor our financial support and “assistance”, among others, to UN, is a constitutional covenant. And what is it to Paul … a robbery committed by the UN …!!

Not only that … Paul wants to end the United States’ participation in or connection to the UN by passing a law that violates the Constitution…! His politics of isolation speaks louder than words.

Be that as it may, in my humble opinion, Paul badly needs to learn by heart the rudiments of protocol, diplomatic niceties and international leadership [to refine his language as a congressman who wants to be President of the United States], as well as legal advice and supervision, at least from a UN diplomat and a lawyer. I will help colleagues in those particular areas of discipline who would stand by him in seeing to it that he gets a special make-over, especially with reference to his vulgar public persona, including his other shortcomings.

Amend first the Constitution before you can “protect your [taxpayers’] hard-earned money from the greedy hands of the globalist United Nations,” to use his raw language for a start in this learning process.

My initial advice to him at this distance and I hope his handful of followers will get it too is, don’t be a glutton for public scorn even if you thirst for public accolade as champion of the taxpayers by attacking the United Nations in violation of the Constitution.

It does not make a hell of sense. #

© Copyright Edwin A. Sumcad. Access June 29, 2007.

The author is a veteran diplomat-journalist and for more than 45 years a recipient of numerous excellence awards in journalism. His editorial insights appear in other publications and published in several websites. A brief comment may be e-mailed to

Notes (1) to (6) are available for reference but not printed for space.